Sunday, December 14, 2008

Isaac singing a song

Isaac enjoys singing and playing his guitar

Merry Christmas

Wishing every one a Merry CHRISTMAS
Daniel is 8 and Isaac is 5

Tree after the cat

This is what our tree looked like after she knocked it down.

6 month Dr apt

I went to the Dr last week and the baby is doing great lots of movements. When Dr Danz was trying to get the heart beat the baby kept kicking the Doppler machine. Dr Danz kept telling me the baby was being a stinker. She Finely got the heart beat and it was 144. Dr Danz said the baby is doing just fine.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving and Triming the Tree

This was on the table. We had a great time with Maishelle making the food on Wed. We cooked for a day and we ate for a half hour and all the work was good then we had to put it all away. But it was fun and very GOOD EATS.

Here is my mom working on food that I for got to take a photo of but it was all so good. Thanks to Maishelle and Jim for letting us come to thier house.

Yummy pies my mom made for Thanksgiving
We were all so in to eatting that I for got to take a photo of all the food

Isaac setting up the tree while Daniel was at birthday party

Boys with the tree

Tree lite up at night

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The BIG day

Today was the BIG day we went to the DR and the Ultra Sound says we will be Welcoming Steven James into our Family.

They say this is Steven James

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Up Date

Tomorrow is the BIG day I have an Ultra sound at 8:30 am. I will post the photos on my BLOG and on Face book as soon as I can.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Isaac went to the Dentist on the 20Th of Oct and he sucked his lip when it was numb and ended up with a fat lip

Lisa and Troy brought over a Kitten for Isaac and he was so good with that baby. We had to give it back to it's mommy because our Cat Abby was not as nice. She turned UGLY not just to the kitten but to everyone that looked at her or happened to touch her. She sat on the box all night and growled at the kitten.

Dan turned 44

Dan turned 44 this Oct and we had some friend over and Lisa Kemp made Dan a great cake and it was just as good to eat.

The ninja boys

Meijer had a Halloween walk so the boys dresses up as ninjas

Carving Pumpkins

Maishelle DID NOT help carve pumpkins she ate a taco in the kitchen

Alli and Maishelle stopped in so Alli was able to carve a pumpkin

Dan helping the boys carve pumpkins

getting ready to carve all them pumpkins

School photos

Daniel is in the 3rd grade this year and he is doing great. He is doing very good on his writing he is getting really good at writing storys.

Isaac is doing well in school. He has a friend help him with his colors we found out last year that he has some type for color blindness. He is getting better at learning his colors.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Up date

Not much to update,all is well went to the baby Dr and the heart beat was strong. I have a ultra sound Nov 12th at 8:30 in the am. I will be starting PT on Wed for my hip. I have cut down on my work hrs to 2 days a week so I work on Tues & Thurs. My hip is sore and I have been getting lots of head aches so we thought it would be better for my and the baby to cut my hours. I have only gained 1 # so far that makes my happy. So I will update soon. Keep thinking PINK. Thank you all for reading my BLOG. Have a Blessed Day.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

pregnancy calendar from

School Time


Here they are all ready for school. Daniel is now in 3rd grade and Isaac is finally in kindergarten . He goes every Tue ,Thurs and Fri. He is doing well and is very tired when I get them from class. Daniel is with Mrs. Heiler for the third year and we really like her. I am back to work now and I only work 3 miles from the school so it is easy to drop them off and go to work. Then I get out before they get out and I go back and pick them up and we go home.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Last camping trip

Here is Isaac enjoying a tractor ride

Daniel also enjoyed a tractor ride during the parade at the Buckley Old Engine Show This is the family on the last day of Buckley
We had a great time camping we were able to camp for 5 days and truly enjoyed every day we had great weather. I enjoy cooking over the open fire , we had corn on the cob and hobo dinners . We cooked all our night meals over the fire and also had smores yum yum. I am hoping that we will be able to camp more next year. We all enjoy camping. The boys were able to go camping with Maishelle and Jim at the end of Aug and had a great time playing with all the kids.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Look to see who Alli got to meet

After we were camping we just was home getting ready to go camping out at Buckley Old Engine Show. I had to work with Meals on Wheels and the boys went to Grandma and enjoyed spending time with my mom. Her church was in V B S and they enjoyed that. On Friday they went to the Fair with Maishelle and watched Allison show Sammie the dog and they did great Alli and Sammie got lots of ribbons. Then on Tue I had a Dr apt and I took Alli with me to meet someone so enclosed is the photo of who Allison got to meet for the first time. YES we are expecting a bonus baby some time in March. So Alli got to meet the baby before anyone and all she could say is " It better be a GIRL" the girl name is Sophia Noureen and the boy if it is a boy is Steven James.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The later part of July we went camping with some friends at Sand Lakes and it was so fun. On Monday it was nice and the boys went swimming and Lisa and I sat in the shade. On Tue it rained ALL day so we sat in the camper and got cought up on our rest. I worked on a campfire all day in the rain. By afternoon Ms Michele too the kids in for pizza and Lisa and I stayed back and cleaned the fish that Ms Michele cought earlier. By the time they came back from town it had stopped raining and we were able to enjoy the campfire. On Wed we went to the clay pit and it was a lot of fun rolling around in the clay and getting muddy

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

soccer camp 2008

After the cherry festival was a busy week of soccer camp the boys enjoyed all the youth that came up from Grand Rapids Mi. They played alot of soccer and had lunch and snack with all the kids. So I want to thank all the staff that put soccer camp on

Monday, August 4, 2008

July fun

July was also a busy fun month the Forth of July was a blast we went to West end park and had a picnic with Uncle Walt, Aunt Barb ,Teresa, McKenzie, Lisa and Troy. We cooked out and was at the park all day. That started the Cherry Festival we tried to do something fun on a daily bases. We did the bike race, cherry pie eatting contest, cherry town had lots of fun for the boys and on Thur night there was the kids paraide. The last day of the festival was a LONG day. Lisa picked me up at 5am so we could get a good spot on Front st to see the big paraide and that was full of bands, clowns, floats and lots of funny things to look at. After the paraide we moved the beach for Isaac's 5th birthday. He had a great time he says he get a paraide and fireworks every year for his birthday

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fun filled summer

We have had a very fun filled summer . It started out with a camping trip to Big Ticket Festival in Gaylord Mi. Big Ticket is big fun lots of music over 60 christian bands. There was lots for activitys for the kids. Bob the tomato and Lerry the cucumber from the Veggie Tales. Bibleman did a show and there were many jumping toys for the boys also