Sunday, July 11, 2010

Roby Walking

Daniel had foot surgery
Daniels foot surgery
Daniels foot surgery

A long time

Roby In Oct 2009
OK cousin Gene... We have had a fun filled YEAR.. Roby is now walking and thinks he can run..He also LOVE to eat.. At his 15 month apt he was 27# and 32 inches.. He still don't have much hair but it is comming in.. It is getting lighter becouse of being outside.. We just got done doing the Cherry Festival lots of walking and Isaac did the cherry pie eatting contest and Daniel did the bubble blowing contest and got 2nd place for his age.. He blow a 4 in bubble.. We also helped my neice Allison sell pop and water so she could go to a conference in Aug..

Isaac will be 7 on Monday the 12th and will be going in to 1st grade.. He has lost 2 teeth last week..He loves to make people laugh..

Daniel turned 10 in March and will be going into 5th grade.. He is a big help with Roby..